Comics and Graphic Novels
Various websites at which you can read and/or download various Jekyll & Hyde adapted comics and graphic novels.
Note about CDisplay:
Many of these comics are available in a format which can only be read by the program CDisplay (such as .cbz, .cbr files), which can be downloaded for free at a number of different websites - here is one site where you can download it. If that one doesn't work for you, just Google "download CDisplay" and try another. It is a small and relatively easy-to-use program.
Note about CDisplay:
Many of these comics are available in a format which can only be read by the program CDisplay (such as .cbz, .cbr files), which can be downloaded for free at a number of different websites - here is one site where you can download it. If that one doesn't work for you, just Google "download CDisplay" and try another. It is a small and relatively easy-to-use program.

Host 1: Download in .CBZ format (Will need CDisplay to read)
Host 2: Download normal images in .RAR format from Mediafire
Host 3: Read the comic on a post here without any downloading
Host 4: Read the comic in an Imageshack Gallery
A very colorful, interesting and abstract graphic novel/comic adaptation of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with art by John K. Snyder. Definitely very unique, and worth a read.
Thanks to The Comics Source: E-books for uploading this, among many other old comics. Go check out their blog and download some great material!
Supernatural Thrillers: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Host 1: Original Source: Diversions of the Groovy Kind on Blogspot
Host 2: Download comic as a .RAR on MediaFire
A wonderful blogger, who seems to have a love of older comics, was kind enough to share scans from this cheesy old comic version of Jekyll and Hyde! Go read and enjoy it, for as short, old and fantastically cheesy as it is. Warning: Hyde's hair is absolutely hilarious. And magenta.
Note: You will need the program "Winrar" to read the comic in the .rar file. You can read the comic pages on the original blog post without it, however.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Comics)
Host: Mediafire: Volume 1 - Volume 2 - Volume 3 (in Rars with CDisplay files)
You need the programs CDisplay and Winrar to open & read the files above.
All three full volumes of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics, written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill, which began being published in 1999. It contains elements, plot points, characters etc. from a number of different stories and genres. One of the main characters is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
A colored version of the comic created in 1973 by Kim Platt (writer) and Nestor Redondo (artist).
Comments: Pity that the only version of this comic to be found online is one of the two that were colored in, because the original black-and-white art on its own is gorgeous, but the coloring jobs that were done to it are lazy, dreadful, uncreative and really just ruin it completely. The writing, in any version, is hilariously cheesy.
Look Through a gallery of Illustrations cut from this Comic
Dowload a full PDF of the comic (in French) at Mediafire
The French version of Lorenzo Mattotti's graphic novel of Jekyll and Hyde, downloadable in pdf format.
Dowload a full PDF of the comic (in French) at Mediafire
The French version of Lorenzo Mattotti's graphic novel of Jekyll and Hyde, downloadable in pdf format.
Comments: Even if you don't understand French, check this comic out. The art is abstract, very surreal and colorful. It's not your average graphic novel, and is definitely worth a read.
Host 1: This blog (as well as ImageShack)
This version is available to read in a post on this blog, or in a gallery on You do not need the CDisplay program to read it.
Host 2:
This version is available to read in a post on this blog, or in a gallery on You do not need the CDisplay program to read it.
Host 2:
You will need the program CDisplay to read this version, but you will get to read the comic in much higher quality, and with larger images.
This is Suspense #23: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Host 1: Original Source (Part One and Part Two)
Host 2: Download Whole Comic in Rar file (Mediafire)
A very cheesy, yet fun old Jekyll and Hyde comic made in 1950 (later made into a 3D version in 1987) by Wallace ("Wally") Wood and Harry Harrison.
The digital scans of this comic were made available for digital reading by Karswell at his blog "The Horrors of it All", many thinks goes out to him!
Have anything you think should be included as a resource? Submit a link to a comic or graphic novel to be added on the Resource Page! Also, if any of the links are broken, please let me know.
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